Analog vs digital camera

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Analog vs digital camera

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

A Comparison between Analogue and Digital Photography
Technological advances have seen digital platforms catch up to traditional (analog) platforms and even surpass them in many instances. Regarding photography, the digital revolution in this field has seen tremendous growth in the quality and way in which we take, process and share pictures. Even though there is still quite a large number of photographers who still use and prefer film photography, there is no denying the overwhelming advantages that digital cameras weigh over their predecessors.
The preparation required before taking a picture either using a digital or analog camera is not fundamentally different. However, analog cameras are much more engaging due to their manual nature of the operation. In both cases, a good photographer has to visualize the photo in their mind before taking it, consider the best angle to take the photo, eliminate distractions by focusing and filling the frame with the subject, consider the lighting that will give the best shot, and of course practice by experimenting and taking as many shots as is necessary to achieve perfection.
A fundamental difference between the two is the cost implication. Analog cameras cost less upfront but accumulate additional costs over time in the purchase and developing of the films. Digital cameras cost more initially but cut costs on storing, developing and sharing the picture (Archambault, 4). Digital cameras store p…

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