Alternative Care Settings

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Alternative Care Settings

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Alternative Care Setting
The United States of America has different care settings that focus on the delivery of services to the members of the public. The healthcare organization and settings are dependent on the facilities available, the medical practitioners and the type of illness it may be focusing on. The discussion below will aim at focusing on the difference between the hospices and rehabilitation centers. The hospices specialize in the care for the people suffering from a long-term illness that may be limiting the lifetime of the individuals. Also, it focuses on their spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of the patients and their close people such as the relatives and friends. On the other hand, the rehabilitation centers specialize on the psychological treatment of the people who are addicted to drugs.
Hospices started in the USA in 1974 when the New Haven Hospice, which is currently known as Connecticut Hospice, began their care center in the country. The main aim of the Hospice was to take care of the patients who experienced a lot of pain and were likely to die at any time (Herr et al. 805). Hospices are administered by the Chief Medical Officer who check the overall performance of the other practitioners including the counselors. The health department checks on the appropriate facilities and qualification of the professionals for the accreditation. They offer counseling, spiritual, physical and emotion care to both t…

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