Alaskan Bermuda Triangle

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Alaskan Bermuda Triangle

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
SPCH 1311
Tutor’s Name
Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle
Informative Speech Outline
I. Introduction
Within the intact beauty of the changing landscape of Alaska, a mystery loiters. Since there is an eerily increased rate at which individuals go missing, a big part of the state has turned out to be referred to as Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle. Tourists and inhabitants of Alaska seem to disappear into the largely intact environment.
Thesis Statement:
It can be said that, while the landscape of Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle has untouched beauty, it has been associated with missing people and evil creature, which makes the place extremely frightening to be visited by both state residents and visitors.
Preview of Main Points:
Besides being recognized for its intact beauty, the place has a remarkably high number of persons (locals and tourists), who vanish every year and cannot be traced, as if they vanished from the earth face. Aside from persons, several aircraft have vanished mysteriously in the area. Since 1988, 16,000 individuals have gone missing in Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle. The disappearance of people and planes is attributed to the existence of an evil being called the Kushtaka, according to the Indian natives in the region.
Transition to the Body:
The next section of this paper identifies the major issues of Alaska’s Bermuda Triangle, including the missing people and the tale of the evil being.
II. Body
A. Ma…

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