agreement contract

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agreement contract

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Critical thinking
The document entails an agreement contract represented by Capital Edge consulting company written to Williams Smith Company highlighting obligations each party is required to play during and after entering into a consultation deal. However, the representations of the agreement by the consultant seem to have some discrepancies and aim at benefiting it at all cost. Therefore, my advice would not accept the contract by not appending a sign. I made this conclusion owing to various reasons which I found not satisfactory in the document. First, under section number four, the consultant requirements that the company caters for expenses such as meal, travel, and accommodation of the best quality available is ill-motivated and could amount to substantial unnecessary expenditures. Secondly, the requirement by the consultant to receive a 9% non-dilatable interest in the company is unacceptable at such a time when the company is trying to establish itself in the market.
The reason is that such an offer would make it impossible for the directors and the founder to maintain complete ownership of the industry. Another clause that led to the conclusion of not accepting the offer is number 6(a) which states that services offered to the company are not exclusive. Dispensing similar service to other organizations especially competitors even after the expiry of a term may lead to a competition that may result in loss of …

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