Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines
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Institutional Affiliation
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Evidence-based Practice Guideline
A good healthcare system is founded on the need to ensure high-quality in service delivery that is implemented based on a set of improvement initiatives and guidelines. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is an organization that has established such evidence-based practice guidelines to improve the healthcare outcomes (“EPC Evidence-Based Reports”, 2014). The guidelines for evidence-based practice that have been implemented by this agency are guided by professional knowledge and various legal policies. According to the AHRQ:
• Evidence-based practice should employ distinctive quality and safety measures to monitor various initiatives for improving the health care outcomes based on external benchmarks.
This guideline has been implemented in a wider scope to include important aspects such as the focus on diffusion and dissemination of knowledge across the healthcare system. This has effectively linked researchers with healthcare practitioners to improve health outcomes and ensure patient safety. AHRQ has designed multiple models for evidence-based practice that have been implemented in the general clinical environment to ensure patient safety and integration of various healthcare frameworks (“Guidelines and Measures”, 2018). Application of the evidence-based practice guideline is influenced by the continu…

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