African societies

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African societies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Name:⇒ Stearns Ch.9 THEMESAP World History
*Fill in 1 or more facts for each theme of each African society (some may be the same!)*
Theme Stateless Societies Ethiopia Ghana Mali Songhay
Interactions between humans and the environment (ENV) Depended on Agriculture for livelihood
Natural resources are used to test the stability of the state. Farming and tools used relate human to the nature of activities. Generally, they depend on the Red sea for agriculture.
Kingdom is agriculturally based on varies water bodies. People depend on agricultural skills to manifest their environment. the kingdom is revealed in agriculture
natural water bodies provide proper ecosystem Depended on Agriculture for livelihood
Natural resources are used to test the stability of the state
Development & interaction of cultures (CUL) Most religious activities and styles of worship exhibit primary uniqueness.
These gods symbolize specific duties and nature of worship is adhered to. Islam and slavery affected women and children.
Time of migration is determined by the horrid lifestyle which fluctuates from very harsh weather condition Religion gives people hope of natural calamities.
Religious activities are well defined. The nation is made from kinship which is hereditary. Others depend on political powers to rule and make orders. Leadership marked the importance of one in state building, and most leaders rarely quit power.
State-building, expansion, & conflict (SB)
Tribal clashes w…

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