AC U1DB2 response 1 and 2

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AC U1DB2 response 1 and 2

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Accounting

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discussion Response
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Discussion Response
U1DB2 Response #1 CaHo
It is worth noting that good financial measures aid in making sound decisions of an organization. I, therefore, concur with U1DB2 Response #1 CaHo that sound decision in Hewlett Packard comes about the financial choices towards adjusting to the market trends. The future consists of uncertainties thus projecting the financial stability require critical analysis and obtaining essential financial measures. From this discussion, it is necessary to take a great overlook on the revenues, gross margins, market trends, products and services and the business trends. The Hewlett Packard is an example of companies with effective financial measures towards achieving its bottom line (Wall, 2018). The past and current financial status are used to predict the futuristic business concerns. These are the common factors in a business that is useful in determining the going concerns and the futuristic productive. Hewlett Packard has been a significant company which has initiated critical financial instruments towards achieving a better outcome and futuristic going concerns.
U1DB2 Response #1 CaHo further introduces the key strategies that come about the financial analysis of an organization. It is important to have company projection alongside the futuristic innovation to yield a better outcome. However, these strategies usually require critical evaluation along with the financial a…

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