Abortion (Sherri Finkbine case)

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Abortion (Sherri Finkbine case)

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Birth Defects and Morality of Euthanasia
The topic of Sheri Finkbine case on abortion captures the queries posed in this paper. The case focuses on how a woman was advised by her doctor to conduct abortion since her infant showed signs of fatal defect yet Finkbine personal story of taking thalidomide from a drug that had not been tested yet (Hadley 132). The end result of her case study was to determine the best reason for taking an abortion. From this point of view, abortion should be carried out only if the mother’s health is at risk and not for mere termination of deformed childbirth. From the case, it can be established that the congenital disabilities associated with the baby were caused by unstandardized and untested thalidomide drug. In fact, the study of Sheri Finkbine depicts extremely deformation of a fetus that could result in the conception of a child with amputated body parts (Luker 117). Moreover, the defects have a high impact on the development of the fetus in the womb.
It is morally relevant that the pregnant women, who were taking thalidomide that was widely marketed for the treatment of nausea, did not know that it caused a birth defect. The ignorance of the consumers had farfetched implications since and further barricades the market of other related drugs. It is also morally relevant that Chemie Grunenthal pharmaceutical company failed in testing their drugs because the side…

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