A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology

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A Comparison of Three Perspectives on the Evolution of Technology

Category: Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Evolution of Technology
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Different people have different views concerning the evolution of the technology. This is evident from three different perspectives seen from Gerhard who views technological changes in terms of human civilization, Leslie who views it in relation to the energy use and extraction, and finally, Toffler who explains his argument regarding the development and use of machines from the ancient period to current days.
According to Gerhard Lenski, technological development has been brought about by the human civilization evolution. In his explanation, Gerhard claims that the human progress goes hand in hand with the information progress (Nolan, 2004). The more people get to know new things the more they improve in the use of natural resources in the world (Elwell, 2013). Therefore, Gerhard came up with a proposal concerning the technological development on four levels. These are the hunter-gathering, food supply originating from the horticulture, organized agriculture, and finally the industrial revolution in relation to the food-based economy.
The argument made by Leslie White concerning the technological evolution argues that the evolution is based on the harnessing of energy. In Leslie’s description, there are five stages of human development that have been used to explain how technology in relation to human energy evolves (White, 1943). The stages are; the source of human power comes from the muscle, energy provided by …

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