Cultural Stereotypes in the Movie Crash

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Cultural Stereotypes in the Movie Crash

Category: Movie Review


Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Cultural Stereotypes in the Movie Crash
Institutional Affiliation

Cultural Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”
Racial and cultural stereotypes are a major concern in the world today especially in a multicultural society like the United States of America. Various media advance these stereotypes. The movie “Crash” has been criticized for reinforcing racial and cultural stereotypes. After watching this movie, I agree with the critics that the movie reinforces the stereotypes that members of different cultural groups hold about each other.
The first reinforcement of stereotypes occurs in the scene where a white female American, a role acted by Sandra Bullock, grabs her husband’s arm and tightens her grip on her pass when they encounter two African American males in the streets. She holds the stereotype that they are thieves. The movie reinforces this stereotype when the same African American men car-jack the white woman thereby confirming her fears that they are thieves.
The stereotype that African Americans are cowards is reinforced in the scene where Ryan a white officer stops a black couple Christine and Cameron for driving yet they are black. He makes them stand next to each other and assaults Christine sexually in the presence of Cameron. Strangely, Cameron does nothing to protest the assault thereby reinforcing the stereotype that African Americans are cowards.
In the movie, lack of cultural intelligence and its negative impacts was demonstrated in the sc…

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