identity issue in Season of Migration to the North a novel by Tayeb Salih,

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identity issue in Season of Migration to the North a novel by Tayeb Salih,

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: PhD

Pages: 26

Words: 7150

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Identity Crisis in the Novel: Season of Migration to the North
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Identity crisis refers to the context in which that a person questions the whole idea of life. Philosophically, identity crisis has been studied under the theories of existentialism. The term is coined to indicate a person whose egoism and personality is filled with questions regarding life foundation, feeling and arguing that life has no value. In the novel by Tayeb Salih, ‘Season of Migrating to the North,’ there are several instances that can be cited to indicate the existence of an identity crisis in the story. In this paper, we highlight and exemplify on such issues in an attempt to show how the theme of identity crisis has been presented in the novel. The paper considers the colonial theories of Edward Said, Frantz Fanon and Homi Bhabha to analyze the novel in terms of their representation of identity crisis.
Postcolonial is a term that describe the period after colonized countries gained independence from their colonizers. Post-colonialism concerns try to determine the impact of colonization on indigenous communities and their traditional practices. According to Bill Ashcroft et al. in the novel “The Empire writes back that “in every three human beings, 2 of them have their life molded by their involvement in colonization. Today, colonies don not exist with all of them gaining independence, but…

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