8 Case Study

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8 Case Study

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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During the afternoon commutes, Hess gas stations and convenience stores on the right-side benefit tremendously. Since Hess is a vertically integrated energy company, more than 1400 green logoed retail stores located on the right-side benefit from the strategic positions of the business. The right turns in and out of the firm’s locations are crucial to the customers since they need a maximum convenience to be availed from their stores. Several drivers are hesitant to cross multiple lanes of the traffic to make a left turn which is not worth the hustle. Moreover, negotiating to the left out of the parking lot to proceed with their journey can result to a quick pit stop resulting in an extended chore during the process of waiting for the gaps in the heavy rush hour traffic to join the flow of the traffic. According to the commuters, locations on the left-hand side have been problematic due to the increase of the expansion regulations by the local county and state transportations organizations (Dunne , et al. p.214).
During the morning, the right side is ideal for the coffee shops and newspapers stands. This a because a higher percentage of the commuters have little time to spare during the morning hours. Therefore, they reserve their stops to grab gallon milk, to fuel gas for the vehicles and a candy bar to consume during the afternoon ride to their home.
Every retailer is affected by the right-hand side location. The consumer …

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