5-2 Milestone Five: Communication and Evaluation Plan

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5-2 Milestone Five: Communication and Evaluation Plan

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Project Management Communication
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Improving stakeholder’s involvement in project management is very important in ensuring that task is completed, and the first step to achieve this is through effective communication process (Kerzner & Kerzner 2017). The steps involve in improving communication include: –
Background of the project
Stakeholders Analysis
Proper objectives
We state strategy of communication including questions (when what, means why and who)
Lastly, we identify the potential risks involved with the communication (Harrison & Lock, 2017). 
The proper budget for communication which should be well stipulated
A project manager must follow proper communication channels. This is shown in the figure below

Effective project management plan process: –
Facilitate team development plan. This will ensure that communication starts with the team itself before moving outside. We will ensure that there is proper communication channel within the team since proper communication will ensure better performance (Schwalbe, 2015).  Stakeholders should be briefed on a weekly basis with at least 2 hours for updates and 1 hour for questions and discussion on the project progress.
Channels of communication must be effective and project manager should choose the most appropriate channel of communication to all stakeholders. Frequent communication will be appropriate, a…

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