5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Plan

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5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Plan

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Final Project Milestone Three
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
My specific objective is to ensure that people take the proper diet that would maintain health in their lifetime. The capability to plan, coordinate and direct the department function of an organization enables you to gain various skill, abilities, and knowledge to be useful in decision making about the career setting. The specific area that most illustrate how I would attain my objective includes skills, learning about nutrition and the team I would work with while advising people diet issues.
To enhance team cohesiveness, effectiveness in team relationship and participating in solving this problem, my leadership skill will contribute a lot to the attainment of my goals. Besides, this will enable me to come up with appropriate decision and analytical procedure. The foods you take at your earlier stage determine the lifelong health and strong immunity in your old age.
Ideally, we are what we eat. Improvements in nutrition today may have contributed a significant role in health benefits in future days. However, diseases related to the food we are taking has now emerged to be an enormous health problem for the current century. The best thing to fight this is taking care and precaution of the foods that we eat to reduce the chance of getting diseases related to foods.
According to the study done in China show that large population is diagnosed with various diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases …

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