4th quiz

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4th quiz

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name

The Church has a conviction that Jesus Christ can point to man the path and reinforce him via the Spirit to be worthy of his fate. There is truth in the belief of the Church that the center, the key, and the determination of the entire man’s history are present in the Master and Lord. Besides, all the questions that revolve around man can be addressed by redemption as it describes the anonymity of man. Also, redemption provides a Christian a root for strength and enlightenment to react to his supreme profession. Similarly, it can be seen that man can obtain strength and light from the Christ via his Spirit, which is indeed the fundamental belief of the Church.
As a Christian, one should understand that the Lord returned to strengthen and free him and allow him to overwhelm the attack of evil successfully. Sin can certainly bring a man to lower position, curbing him to achieve the completeness he deserves. Therefore, it is truly important for a Christian to seek redemption, which is extremely anthropocentric. Redemption comes in between good and evil and its impacts and essence can enable man to get the basic and inexhaustible ways of restoring his proper significance. The understanding of this restoration of the value of a man by Christ is a crucial component of faith, associated with the very obscurity of the embodiment of God created man. Finally, it can be said tha…

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