4-2 Milestone Four: Implementation Plan

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4-2 Milestone Four: Implementation Plan

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Milestone four: Implementation Plan
Phase two implementation Plan
Target population and goals
Milestone four of the project involves implementing the plan made at the prior stages. The application targets individuals who are busy but would wish to access the relevant medical information (Yardley et al., 2015). These are mostly young people who are tech savvy and busy hence would find it a bother visiting the medical center for the information. The established goals include connecting healthcare workers to the patients, personalization of patients care and embracing technology in healthcare.
Implementation Milestones and timeline
The project will have a timeline and important milestones in the implementation. First, it has to be approved as a patent to ensure it is fully registered as the medical centers’ property (Glasgow et al., 2014). Next, funds will be received from the stakeholders specifically at the medical center and then key staff to man the app will be hired. The individuals who will use the app will then sign contracts where installation of the program will take place. Lastly, it will be rolled out to the users as fully functional.
Finances and compliance with regulation
The finances will be provided by the stakeholders at the medical center level with no need for borrowing. The consumers will pay for the use hence providing money for long-term maintenance of the app bringing benefits to the organization (Sama et al., 2014). Resou…

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