3D Robotics

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3D Robotics

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Drone Industry has seen changes over the past decade whereby the application of the devices is no longer limited to the Military purposes. In the contemporary world, the drone has revolutionized several sectors of the economy and has been used for both personal and commercial tasks. 3D Robotics (3DR) under the leadership of its visionary CEO, Chris Anderson has taken the Drone industry by force. The firm is one of the pioneer companies in the market. #DR has dominated the market for the past ten years, but a formidable competitor is threatening the position of the firm in the global markets (Stuart, and Anderson 32). DJI, a Chinese company, has introduced the Phantom 2 personal drone that has gained popularity among the consumers both in China and the rest of the world. This means that #DR has to embark on new strategic planning to reinforce its position as the global leader in the production and manufacture of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Firstly, 3DR will have to take advantage of the leniency by the FAA that has approved the application of drones commercially in America. This will boost the demand for the IRIS locally and complement the sales from the burgeoning demand from overseas. In the past, 3DR devices were mainly tailored for personal use by hobbyists unlike was the case with DJI that diversified and this catapulted its growth. Anderson and his team should utilize the craze brou…

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