10 plan

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10 plan

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Tutor’s Name
The 10-hour Plan
The PricewaterhouseCoopers is one of the industry I have a great passion for being employed. With my profession as a human resource manager, I believe I will fit well in this organization. After seeking the information about the industry, below are some of the activities for me to undertake to match with the requirement of the organization in future.
Activity Major Takeaways Minutes
The utilization of automation and technology in business Factors such as the globalization, technology, and demographics will significantly influence the company’s culture and structure (Stone et al. 225). Therefore, I will strive hand to ensure that I am well conversant with the three factors. 120
The industry will require remote workers The future office will be operating with the improved communication network and the modern gadget. Thus as a human resource manager, I will be required to have acquainted myself with some of this gadget before seeking employment in this organization. 120
The PricewaterhouseCoopers company will be required to create a compelling workforce The future companies will face some challenges whereby the boundary between home and work will disappear. Therefore, as a human resource manager, I will have to have a higher responsibility for the social welfare of other employees in the industry (Stone et al. 223). 120
The fundamental change in the human resource roles. The human resource manager’s roles are viewed…

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