Who is Godot ?

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Who is Godot ?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Who is Godot?
Waiting for Godot is a tragicomedy play authored by Samuel Beckett circa 1949. Its characters are to wit; Estragon, Vladimir, Lucky, Pozzo and a boy. The play is a compilation of conversations between the characters above as they await the titular character who never arrives (Grogan). Arguments suggest that the mystery which ever so efficiently shrouds the titular character is a successful attempt at suspense by the author, Beckett. The uncertainty might have done more harm than good to the reader’s curiosity as a myriad of theories has been brought forth by various scholars and commentators on the subject; all who aim at demystifying the person or object that is Godot. This essay will proceed to take a look at some notable examples of the said theories.
Some scholars suggest that indeed, Godot may have merely fallen short of the embodiment of God. They argue that the character Pozzo, whose arrival is akin to that of Jesus Christ in the Bible, may have been the Godot that Vladimir and Estragon have been waiting since the first scene of the play and this has its rationale in comparison to the surreal happenings as narrated in the Bible (Islam). For instance, arguments suggest that Pozzo may not have been expressly identified as Godot by the two main protagonists owing to the expectations which they had of the impending visitor; much like the Jews misjudged Jesus Christ on arrival.
Other theories are to the eff…

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