what kind of officers are police departments looking for and why

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what kind of officers are police departments looking for and why

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

What Kind of Officers are Police Departments Looking for and Why
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The process of police officer selection in most police academies has many similarities than differences (Schoenfeld, 1980). The recruit must progressively go through the public service test, psychiatric test, oral interview, agility, and physical strength assessment, medical examination, and background investigation (Van Maanen, 1975). Upon successful completion of the evaluation, the applicant is hired based on the approved openings. The recruit then joins the training section for further screening (Van Maanen, 1975). The training process scans for qualities such as harsh detailed organization, didactic instruction, and strict discipline (Van Maanen, 1975).
The selection also focuses on the personality of an individual (Twersky, 2005). For one to be listed as a successful applicant, he/she must possess excellent character for policing function. Applicants are taken through tests to determine their emotional fitness or inappropriateness necessary for law enforcement (Twersky, 2005). Police departments utilize the MMPI for personality screening. Qualities scanned by the MMPI includes the applicant’s ability to maintain a feeling of individual identity and self-consciousness (Twersky, 2005). Capacity to endure and control robust negative distress without opting for avoidance methodologies such as drug abuse, dissociation, or outwards tension reducing tende…

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