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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

What did you find in your research about the recent record for unions attempting to organize large bargaining units? What does this mean for the future of unions?
Organizational unions are critical bargaining units for workers. However, coming up with an effective union requires many considerations such as the size. That is why the bigger the union, the more effective it is. Small unions often get struck down by the management quite easily. For instance, OUR Walmart union has faced numerous hurdles from the Walmart management which is hell-bent not actualizing a good pension plan for the Walmart workers. This is despite the support that it received from the UFCW trade union. In addition to the employers’ opposition, starting and running an effective small trade union is quite costly considering that it takes approximately the same amount of resources to come up with a bigger union. In short, while unions are embroiled in endless fights with respective managements, the future looks bright thanks to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the Specialty Healthcare ruling which gives the employer the responsibility of arguing that a union is too small to bargain for a larger group and removes NLRB’s discretion to ban small bargaining unions (Fisher, 2014). This means that in the future employees will be able to come up with bargaining unions without much regard to their size and pressure from NLRB and management groups.
Is the increas…

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