Understanding Social Groups

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Understanding Social Groups

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Understanding Social Groups
I belong to a reading club where we meet weekly to discuss a book that we all have read. One of the factors that make us seem like a group is the perception we all share of similarity because of the books we read and analyze (Stangor 479). Secondly, we communicate frequently and interact at least once a week. Lastly, we all identify with the group. All of us choose to continue being members of the reading group because we feel content in the activities we pursue together.
I think the social identity in some specific groups is well-built because all the members feel good about the outcomes of their membership (Stangor 481). This experience is crucial in shaping the behavior of particular members. They will enjoy the group activities and make plans to collaborate often. Additionally, the members have a sense of pride in their social group. As a result, they will ensure all group activities are carried out in an organized and careful manner.
One factor that contributed to the problems which led to group loss was difficulties in coordination and motivation (Stangor 494). The members continually had issues working together on projects. Another factor was the constant pressure from some members to conform to the group mentality. As many of us identified strongly with the group, we expected all members to agree with the decisions made. Thirdly, there was ineffective communication between the group members. Information…

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