Types of play

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Types of play

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Earth Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Types of Play
Types of Play
Part A: Kindergarten Children
Description of Typical Kindergarten age Play Child Development
explanation Other Factors that may affect the play Influence on your room and Environment
Socio-dramatic Children tend to recreate situations or events they have experienced or seen (Moore, 2017). They act out what they have seen or experienced physically in person. These may include doing laundry, fixing the engine, dressing or feeding toys and family event accounting. The child develops motor skills that help in the manipulation of small objects. The memory improves as they remember the things they are recreating and the correct order they follow. The presence of others in the room which may make children mimic from one another. The similarity of the objects for play by children. Parental support is essential where a parent can provide time for play, space and props’ access
Gross motor
Involves children moving their large muscles in the torso, legs, and arms. This includes; walking, throwing, climbing, and jumping. Children grow their gross motor skills within a short period. The gross motor skills assist in controlling the physical growth. Availability of other objects such as table and chairs that might stop children from free movement The room needs to be free from any harmful objects
Literacy (play with language) Children learn with their minds, bodies, and hearts. This involves inquiry and explo…

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