The Southern Renaissance

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The Southern Renaissance

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Course Title:
Classic English Literature – The Southern Renaissance
The Southern Renaissance
The Southern Renaissance was a historical moment where the Southern population made a rapid and a complex transition from their traditional and cultural forms to modern modes of life. In essence, this period marked a rapid transition and a socio-cultural upheaval to modern lifestyles. A vast majority of communities and southern populations relied less on agriculture and diversified into industrialization and other modern means of survival. The Southern Renaissance gave birth to a southern mentality referred broadly to as the ‘Southern Mind’. As postulated by W.J Cash in the book ‘The Southern Mind’, this was a perception held broadly by the Southern Populations (NAAL 1337). The southern mind was a mentality of continued oppression and the continuity of racial discrimination.
The Emergence of the Southern Gothic
A popular term strongly associated with the Southern Literature was the Southern Gothic. The southern gothic referred to nuance characterizations of war, violence, and discrimination within the borders of the Southern Literature. In a broader context, the popular Southern writers and cultural critics saw their role as advocating for their traumas, their suffering, and the violence that was being brewed in the south. The Southern Gothic acted as a medium through which this suffering could be translated as a popular discourse in the south…

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