The Power of Gothic

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The Power of Gothic

Category: Narrative Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Professor’s Name
The Power of Gothic: Jack the Slayer
It was one evening when the darkness was entering the mountain region. As for Jack, it was a time to prepare dinner as he waits for his father to arrive from the town down the ridge. Normally, his father would come home drunk at the late hours of the night. Jack had become accustomed to it, especially, after knowing that any cry for the old timer to change will yield no peace in the house. And like any other night, Jack was only interested in doing what is acceptable in his father’s house, including cooking and doing laundry.
After a long conversation with himself in the kitchen, Jack was finally done with the cooking. He heads to the couch to watch TV and perhaps wait for the old man. Unlike other nights, the old man was heard ringing the doorbell early. Like all other nights, however, the old-timer was drunk, staggering, and weak. Jack went straight to answer the door and maybe assist his father to his rocking chair.
“Why do you always put door’s chain locked this early, huh?” The old man asked upon seeing Jack approach. Jack went for his father’s hand as a gesture to help him only to receive hard and hurtful push against the side wall.
“Answer my question first, young man. Why do you lock me outside so early every night?”
“It is already dark outside, father” Jack answered in pain, as he felt the pain on his side of the head where a lump was already forming. He…

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