The Olympic Games and Politics

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The Olympic Games and Politics

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Sports

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

The Olympic Games and Politics
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The Olympic Games and Politics
The 1968 Olympics is one that occurred amidst strong racial and political differences in the United States and other Western countries. Most African Americans believed that the political system discriminated against them by their skin color. As a result, the 1968 Olympic Games led to various divisive and contentious messages by certain athletes. The games, hosted in Mexico City, attracted many Americans to the event. Even though the main interest was to see America top in the games, most of the Americans who attended the event remained divided by racial backgrounds (Davis, 2008). The political situation at the time did not do much to control the situation.
At the time the Olympic Games took place in the City of Mexico, the United States was in the middle of multiple racial discrimination incidents. African Americans felt that the government acted against them. In fact, the country experienced multiple cases of ‘unfair’ incarceration of the non-native Americans (Brown, 2017). Most people from African-American communities fell culpable for multiple crimes. According to the Government, the Criminal Justice System remained focused on ensuring that the rule of law prevails fairly across the United States. Amidst unrest and silent civil strife among African Americans, two American athletes took to the stage to communicate a unique message that was deemed racial.

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