The Nervous System

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The Nervous System

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Nervous System
Authors Note:
The Nervous System
1. The functioning of the nervous system is boosted when all neurons are myelinated. This is because myelination increases the speed of action propagation along axon connections. Most of the axons in the central nervous system are wrapped in myelin as well as the axons of the peripheral nervous system which connect the CNS to sensory neurons and skeletal muscles. According to et al. (2016), myelin increases conduction velocity and reduces metabolic costs of action potentials. Myelination plays a big role in normal neural function in terms of circuitry and plasticity. Layers of myelin provide insulation which helps in achieving rapid impulse conduction.
2. Absence of synapses in the nervous system would mean there is no information transmission. Synapses connect nerve cells with their targets like organs or other nerve cells. It allows neurons to move sensory information to and from the brain. Their absence would lead to organ malfunctioning which means one is essentially dead. Nerve cells communicate to target cells, effector cells like muscles and other neurons using synapses also identified as specialized contact sites. The electrical signal which is in form of an action potential needs to undergo synaptic transmission that is moving from a presynaptic neuron to a presynaptic cell (Schweizer, 2001). Absence of synapses would mean that information is cut out.
3. When the cerebellum fails …

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