The Big Six Model

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The Big Six Model

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Communication

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Big six Research Model
This is the most extensively used model in an approach to decipher knowledge and doing extensive research on information and techno skills in the world today. It incorporates searching for information while using skills along with techno tools in a carefully outlined procedural process in seeking, applying and evaluating information for various tasks (Baji et al. 15). It involves six major stages, whose sole purpose is to guide people in using the informational resources available effectively, they include defining a task, seeking of information strategies, locating and accessing sources, use of data, synthesis and assessment.
The most challenging step was the information seeking strategy as it required thorough and continuous research, it is the backbone of the subsequent steps such as using the information obtained in a research topic. It involves determining all the potential sources one needs to use when carrying out research. It is mind-involving. Human beings are molded to value things that come easily; they hate strife in seeking to find something. Hence, it is difficult for this step to be perfectly accomplished. I was able to overcome the challenge by learning the key steps in gathering information to a research topic which includes determination of all the possible sources that one can use in a specific assignment. Identifying and focusing on the major sources is the key to a breakthrou…

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