The Apple brand in popular culture

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The Apple brand in popular culture

Category: Descriptive Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

The Apple brand in Popular Culture
In different business settings, politics, and social life, popular culture is integral to not only the creation of meaning but also the exercise of power. The use of popular culture to represent power relations is common in many business settings (Banet-Weiser 28).
Apple Inc has over the years designed and distributed various innovative products. Because of this, the company’s products play a significant role in popular culture, as the products are some of the ideal icons and brands for consumerism.
It is not surprising, to see the Apple logo on your favorite television shows and films. This form of advertising has led Apple Inc to become the world’s most valuable company. Apple is an American-based multinational that specializes in the design, manufacture, and retailing of consumer electronics. Some of the company’s most reputable brands include the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.
Apple revolutionalised the computer industry by introducing the mouse and subsequently developing the first personal computer. Through Research & Development, Apple has been able to introduce innovative computers and other consumer electronics that have become favorites with people across the globe. As a result, Apple is now the world’s largest publicly traded company.
Products of Apple Inc are finely integrated into popular culture. Children, teens, adults, and professionals alike are always engaged in activities asso…

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