Swimming home by Deborah Levy

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Swimming home by Deborah Levy

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Professor’s Name:
Swimming home
Swimming home
In her story, Deborah Levy has incorporated lots of symbolism. Besides, the author depicts her prowess in ensuring that the story creates strikingly rich pictures into our minds. A clear symbol in the play is when Kitty looks like a body in the water. The ‘body’ in the water symbolizes death and possibly warns the reader to brace for a tragedy in the rest of the book (Levy 4). Also, symbolism is conspicuous in Kitty Finch’s name with references to the cat and the bird. The bird symbolizes that Kitty is at war with herself while the cat depicts her profound significance to other people.
“…Do you think I look like a bear, Nina?…”(Levy 7) this quote from Kitty Finch is of great significance in the story. The author forces us to think that Kitty is insane. This quote seeks to outline the thoughts of the audience and other people towards Kitty. “…an eagle was hovering in the sky. It had seen the mice that ran through the uncut grass in the orchard…” this quote from the story depicts the rivalry between Kitty and Isabel. At the onset of the story, the quote; “…‘Yes,’ she said. ‘Life is only worth living because we hope it will get better and we’ll all get home safely.’ …” (Levy 1) is a significant prefigure that makes the reader anticipate for what is going to happen next.
Deborah Levy incorporates foreshadowing in the short story by initially depicting Kitty as a body floating in the water. Al…

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