Success is not failure

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Success is not failure

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Success is not failure
Among the many things that Winston Churchill talked about was success in politics and life. One of the statements about success attributed to him is “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage that to continue that counts.” On the surface, this statement means that achieving success is not the end of everything and that in our pursuit of success, we might encounter failure. Failure is quite normal should not be seen as something that one cannot recover from. Even in case of failure, the focus should not be on the incident but on recollecting one-self and moving forward.
When a person sets goals, it is quite easy to become discouraged when success is not forthcoming. However, it should be understood that failure is just but part of the journey that is life and should not have any detrimental impact on the goals and objectives that we have set for ourselves. According to Churchill, people should not easily give up even after many incidents of failure. Success should not be perceived as a destination but should instead be seen as a mindset. Thinking success as a mindset implies that we should strive to do the best even in face of obstacles (Chung n.p). Additionally, it means that we should always see failure as an opportunity to learn. By viewing failure from a positive perspective, it is much easier to identify the mistakes we made and to avoid them next time. People do fail becau…

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