Sir Patrick Spens write a brief

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Sir Patrick Spens write a brief

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s nameInstructorCourseAugust 21, 2018
Sir Patrick Spens:
The famous ballad Sir Patrick Spens was initially created to be sung and has several versions. The original authors’ names of this ballad have been lost with time, and that is the reason why the ballad is anonymous (Gale 1). The poem Sir Patrick Spens has eighteen versions under the name ‘Sir Patrick Spens’ that is well detailed and with a considerable length as indicated in Francis James child’s five-volume collection. The most common version of Sir Patrick Spens appears in the Norton Anthology of English literature volume one that was first published in 1962.
Sir Patrick Spens poem commonly consists of eleven stanzas, each with four lines and rhyming is seen in both the second and fourth lines of the poem. This ballad begins by introducing the characters in the poem (Gale 3). The modernized version of the poem suggests a long time Scots language that can easily be understood when loudly said as compared to when seen on a printed page. Sir Patrick Spens is one of the characters in the poem which is sent by the king on a mission. The king wants Sir Patrick Spens to take her daughter back to Scotland, and the worst happens when he dies in the sea together with his crew. Self-sacrifice and loyalty are portrayed by Sir Patrick and his team when they obey the king’s commands.
Sir Patrick Spens poem is a child’s ballad that begins in an interesting note but ends with a tragedy. The poem uses the traditi…

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