Sinek Appraisal of Millennials

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Sinek Appraisal of Millennials

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Sinek Appraisal of Millennials
Institutional Affiliation
Sinek Appraisal of Millennials
In his interview, Simon Sinek is largely critical to the millennial accusing them of being lazy, self-interested and unfocused. For instance, millennials will express their interest in working in a place where they can make an impact and with purpose but even after they are provided with all these requirements they still will not be happy. Sinek says the reason to this is that there is a piece missing in them. He breaks the issues into four pieces which are parenting, impatience, technology and environment (Cross, 2016). On parenting, Sinek posits that the millennials generation has been brought up at a time when parenting strategies have failed. Their parents created a perception in them that they can get whatever they need in life if they need it (Reilly, 2012). The parents failed to tell their children that they should work hard to get what they want. Millennials have grown in the era of technology.
Social media has released a chemical which Sinek refers to as dopamine- they can text friends when they feel lonely, and it will feel good when they get a response. They can also add filters on their photos and hence appear to be having an amazing life even in when they are depressed. Further, Sinek says that this generation is impatient and has a problem of low self-esteem (Cross, 2016). It is because they have grown on an era of instant gratification. If they want to buy an i…

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