Sign Languagemy passion is sign language

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Sign Languagemy passion is sign language

Category: Problem solving

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

SIGN LANGUAGE Street address: Phone number: Student’s email address
10th October 2018
Recipient Name
Dear sir/madam
Hello, I am writing this letter to express my passion for sign language.
Sign language is a form of communication among the deaf community. My passion for sign language started back in my elementary school when we visited a school for the deaf. During this visit, I learned a lot about sign language, which developed my interest in this form of communication.
I choose sign language as my passion since it a form of communication that goes beyond words to create understanding and interaction. I love sign language since it has helped the deaf to interact and allowed the non-deaf interested in engaging with the deaf community possible. Sign languages give users an easy way to understand what the deaf cannot utter and identify their words simply and differently (Kryvonos, Krak, Barmak, and Shkilniuk 164). My passion for sign language is influenced by the artistic nature of sign language in communicating various words.

I would like to learn different things in sign language such as the structuring of language into sentences. Sign language structure is crucial since it possesses various layers of grammatical structure (Li, Yin, Wang and Kong 469). This makes the process of understanding the structure complex and enjoyable at the same time. Learning how language is structured in sign language can help one understand and communicate easil…

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