Short Answer Why ask why?

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Short Answer Why ask why?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Biology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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What Drives a Scientist to Ask ‘Why’
In their quest for seeking knowledge through research and experiments, scientists often ask themselves the ‘why’ questions. These questions help them uncover the meanings and the actual reasons why natural phenomena happen, especially when specific variables are altered. This innate ability of a scientist is driven by their curiosity, skepticism, and their quest to learn new scientific principles and how they give rise to specific natural phenomena. It should be obvious that the ‘why’ questions are an inherent part of scientific research. However, it takes intuitions and the courage of a scientist to question the previous studies and come up with a whole new set of ideas and proofs.
Hawking’s Research Contribution to the Natural Sciences
Stephen Hawking is a renowned scientist whose work has contributed significant knowledge in the fields of general relativism, quantum activity, and cosmology. Though his extensive studies on these areas, he developed explanations about clusters and galaxies formed from the homogenous gaseous universe and how they orientated to make life possible. He postulates that the universe is self-sustaining and has no boundary and neither can it be created nor destroyed (Popova n.p.). Much of his work has caused strong debates and inspired further studies.
The way development of scientific thinking influences the ways scientific studi…

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