Sex and gender inequalities

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Sex and gender inequalities

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Problem that has no Name
What is the author’s main argument, and what type of evidence do they provide? In other words, what is ‘the problem with no name’?
In her article, The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan argues that the American women were forced to assume an idealized image of a domestic housewife during the 1950s and 60s. The problem with no name denotes widespread unhappiness and a feeling of dissatisfaction among American women (Friedan 22). Women often felt embarrassed and dissatisfied with the domestic suburban lives with their husbands, and society, in general, tried to propagate it. Friedan interviewed women with the sole intention of determining some of the challenges they face either in marriage, conflicts with children or society (Friedan 20). Some women were forced to take tranquilizers to relieve their pain and suffering (Friedan 31).
Who- of which groups- is the author referring to in their piece?
The author refers to women in the 1950s and 60s who were often subjects of gender inferiority. In the 1950s, very few women ventured in the corporate world because most of the professions were male-dominated (Friedan 17). The roles of women were restricted to household chores such as tidying, looking after children and ensuring that the kitchen floor is spotless (Friedan 18). Unlike men, women grew uncertain of whether they would they would ever get a job. Most of their chores were limited to th…

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