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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s name
Professor’s name
Opening Statement
Heinrich (2), in his article, states that a year at a public four-year college today costs more than $20,000 in tuition, fees, and room up from $8,300 in 1971. College prices have soared across the board at both public and private institutions over the last three decades. American higher education costs have been on the constant rise over the past three decades. This situation leaves higher education out of reach for many low-income Americans and also puts an enormous burden on those who pursue it. The college education is the most substantial lifetime investment for the majority of people, and therefore high costs of college should be cut down immediately.
The big question to be answered today is how we cut down college costs to make it affordable for every American. According to Bennett (97), a University system with several campuses should not have anthropology departments at each location, all of them staffed to teach everyone from incoming first-year students to outgoing PhDs. The colleges can cut costs by closing up some of these departments in campuses. Students devoted to anthropology can still study at dedicated anthropology campuses. We can also come up with mechanisms to reduce tuition fees in the colleges and make appropriate cuts to prevent bankruptcy in these institutions. This policy will reduce college costs significantly.
According to Barshay (1), over 900,000 students drop out of no…

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