Second Seminole War

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Second Seminole War

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Gender and Sex

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Second Seminole War
The second Seminole war was the fiercest war raged against American Indians by the U.S. government. The United States decided to force the Seminole Indians to move to the creek reservation located near the Mississippi River from a reserve in central Florida. A Seminole warrior named Osceola led an attack against the Americans, which was known as the Dade massacre (Atkinson 302). Extra American troops were sent by the United States to attack the Seminole leading them to go further into the south in the wilderness and into unfamiliar terrain. The U.S. forces decided to change the strategy and started sending small troops of men to pursue the Indian Seminole. The Americans also came up with a false truce, which led to the capture of Osceola and some of his followers. Osceola eventually died in prison; this distorted the leadership among the Seminoles, which led to many Seminoles being killed or captured and sent to the west.
One could draw parallels between the second Seminole war and the Vietnam War in the sense that, in both wars, the United States government involvement was to try to stop the communist takeover (Friedman 1220). In the Vietnam War, the United States allied with South Vietnam and tried to prevent the spread of communism in South Vietnam. It was the same case in the second Seminole war whereby the US pushed the Seminole Indians away from Florida and made it an official territory. The two wars are also s…

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