Romanticism: Gothic

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Romanticism: Gothic

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Gothic Writing
Ichabod Crane is an imaginary character in a short story written by Irving known as The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, whose key interest is self-advancement. He uses his learning to impress the daughters of the rich. He believes in ghosts and this at times gets the better of him. Thesis: So in this essay, the characteristics of Ichabod Crane will be discussed.
Ichabod Crane is a teacher whose purpose to Sleepy Hollow is to teach children. He is tall, and he is also loyal to his surname.
Despite Crane being good, he is not without flaws. He was attracted to Katrina because of her rich nature. Using his learning skills to impress Katrina which she falls for and accepts him readily while she still prefers Brom. One thing that is a challenge to Crane is the thought of marrying Katrina. This is because courting Katrina represents everything that Crane is not, he is not a charmer naturally, but he is interesting.
Crane is a duty-driven and selfless man regarding personality. Ichabod’s devotion towards the greater good together with Abby overpowers his love for Katrina when he finds out that she was lying and manipulating him and in the end, Ichabod killed Katrina. Crane is a loyal person when it comes to his friends, and above all, his great value is the honor. Despite all his family drama resulting in him killing his son and his wife, he showed compassion, and he was sorry for killing them.
In conclusion, Ichabod Crane is a…

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