Reflective Discussion

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Reflective Discussion

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Human Resources

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Module 4 Reflective Discussion
Institutional Affiliation

Module 4 Reflective Discussion
Vacation is a crucial concept in the work environment. It involves giving the staff time-off regularly; for example, one month every year. Going on holiday is vital to improving the well-being of the staff. Employees get the opportunity to rest after a busy schedule. Sufficient rest enhances the physical and mental health outcome of the team. Vacation enhances the performance of the workers. They will strive to accomplish the stated goals and objectives before the vacation period. Furthermore, vacation improves the loyalty of the staff. All people desire to work in an organization that gives them sufficient paid vacation (CBS This Morning, 2015). Thus, companies should have an effective vacation program that enhances the productivity, wellbeing, and loyalty of the staff.
The Compensation concept implies remuneration of workers. People offer their services so that they can receive monetary as well as non-monetary rewards. Wage is an example of compensation that is provided after the accomplishment of a task. While, salary is compensation given for services rendered after a particular duration; for example, a month or year. Compensation is essential to the organization in several ways. It attracts competent staff as people desire to work for companies with competitive or attractive remunerations. Also, compensation improves the performance of the team. High performing staff get…

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