Reasons why defendants plead guilty

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Reasons why defendants plead guilty

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Biochemistry

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Why Defendants Plead Guilty To Crimes They Didn’t Commit
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Regina Kelly hails from Hearne, Texas. She was arrested under the allegations that she was found in a drug sweep. She, however, stood up to John Paschall, who was then Robertson County District Attorney. The fact that she was able to defend herself is a source of inspiration to many.
Her arrest was as a result of a confidential informant who was paid to at least get 20 individuals following an issue federal grant for drug execution and that there was the need for arrests. Thus, the informant simply pointed out 28 people, in which nearly all of them inhabited near Kelly’s housing project (Regina Kelly: Drug War Victim – Video Dailymotion, 2018). The informant, who was known to be mentally unstable is said to have mixed water and baking powder to make what looked like cocaine which was to be used as evidence. In one of the cases he fabricated, the victim was at the hospital which was contrary to the stated time he is said to have been selling drugs.Regina is fortunate to have had a supportive family that worked tirelessly to have out on bail. Unfortunately, her cellmate pleaded guilty to a crime she did not commit since she did not have anyone to bail her out. She pleaded guilty so that she could reduce her sentence and reduce her suffering in prison. Regina remained firm to her decision of not pleading guilty to a crime she did not commit and no one could…

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