read the article and answer the question

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read the article and answer the question

Category: Evaluation Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Commuting of sentences by President Obama
The article relates to the topics discussed in class, among them corrections, through imprisonment for drug dealing and possession of arms and types of crime, and public crime. It also relates to the topic of types of crimes, where this case falls under infractions because it is about drug dealing. Among the theories of criminal behavior are the historical philosophies and the current theories. Among the historical philosophies is the classical theory that explains that punishment keeps people from committing a crime and among the current theories is the rational choice theory that explains that a person chooses to indulge in crime. Going by the theories, the prisoners were freed based on the assumption that the punishment that they had received was to keep them from engaging in criminal activities again. The fact that engaging in crime is their choice, according to the second theory, President Obama arrived at his decision to commute their sentences and advised them to desire to engage in positive activities.
Crimes are classified based on how severe they are. They range from infractions, misdemeanors, to felonies on an increasing scale. It is important to understand the classification, especially for the ruling President. Understanding it enables the sitting President to decide whom to set free while halfway through their sentences. President Obama considered crimes of drug trafficking and possession of a…

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