Read CNN article and explain how it relates or doesn’t relate to the book Joy Luck Club

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Read CNN article and explain how it relates or doesn’t relate to the book Joy Luck Club

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Earth Science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Course number:
Date: 26/3/2018
How the CNN article relates or doesn’t share to the book Joy Luck Club
Joy Luck Club is a book which is sectioned into four main sections whereby the various actors narrate their stories to each other. The article from CNN seems to concentrate more on the relationships and interactions between the American-Asians and their real American counterparts. It focuses on how especially the American-Asians are discriminated against by the American natives. It suggests that the former is treated with a lot of discernment through the daily verbal or non-verbal exchanges between the two groups.
The first two sections of the book are purely about stories of the actors who are Asians. It is not mentioned anywhere about any relations with the whites. The stories in these two sections focus on the Asians’ lives; each mother is sharing her story. All the stories shared by the actors in this part of the book discuss their painful or sorrowful encounters. This part is significantly different from the content of the article from CNN which focuses on Asian-American relationships.
The rest of the sections in the book above seem to be very similar to the article authored by Manav Tanneeru in CNN. “While their parents and grandparents faced racism, the types of discrimination aimed at Asians today is more subtle and invisible to the general public, Sue said” (Tanneeru Manav, 1). Stories being told in the last two sections explain the …

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