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Caring for Elderly

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Name Date of Submission CARING FOR THE ELDERLY Introduction An elder is a senior person in the society or a family. Caring for the elderly involves fulfillment of special needs and offering unique requirements. It also involves providing love and keeping them active throughout. The elders require assistance to live comfortably and this can be done by providing nursing homes and daycare for the adults for a long-term care. Thus, the elderly should be under strict monitoring and tracking of their health and well-being. (Biswas 1). Due to differences in cultures and existence of several elderly care options, one is not limited to one particular...


Name Instructor Course Date Bullying Bullying refers to the process of using force to threaten, intimidate, hurt or confront someone who is seen to be vulnerable. It is a behavior which is habitual in nature. Bullying is a characteristic that the perpetrators are associated with. It humiliates and harms the others, especially those that are seen to be weaker, young and smaller than the others. Those who are bullied are always vulnerable when compared to the bully. Contrary to the known opinions, bullying does not involve the aggression; it is something that is deliberate. It is an attempt to hurt those that are vulnerable repeatedly. Bullying targets have a history of their own that is...

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality Name Institution Human Sexuality Sexual rights issue is one of the most critical topics that have attracted the attention of not only the socialist but also the political society. Human sexuality right involves the right of every individual to control his or her own body or sexuality without any form of harassment coaction and discrimination or violence (Tiefer, 2018). There are sexual rights that have been established. In this case, both sexualities enjoy different rights equally. Taking a case of the right to freedom of thought, opinion, and expression, women in many cultures have been denied the right to belief,...

role play question please

Role Play Psychology Questions Name University Abstract The psychology of a person is one of the most significant aspects of a person's life. It is, therefore, paramount that one's mental wellbeing is kept at check to maintain a good psychological health. However, this would not be possible through psychologists and therapists who tend to find the root causes of psychological illnesses and try to find remedies through different strategies. This excerpt will entail questions that will be directed towards the ‘client' in a trial therapy session. However, this is just a reflection of the real ordeal in life as it constitutes a role play where one student, the interviewer, acts as a therapist,...

Theories of Personality Understanding Persons

Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons Question 2 The self-actualizing people, according to Maslow, are those people who seek wisdom, consciousness and have the zeal to become more creative. These people want to develop fully and attain their potential so as to fulfill their needs. In his hierarchical theory, Maslow places self-actualization at a lower level whereby one only seeks to fulfill this need after all other important needs have been fulfilled (Cloninger 450-457). He characterizes self-actualizing people as persons of honesty, who seek justice for all, they learn fast, they take responsibility for what they do and are...

Gun Ownership in the US

Gun Ownership in the US Name Institutional Affiliation Gun Ownership in the US Gun ownership is a critical issue in the United States society. An intense discussion surrounds this issue in the US, mainly due to the significant cases of gun violence, terrorism, and mass shootings in various parts of the country. Gun ownership is fundamental as there are individuals for or against gun ownership rights. The supporters illustrate the right for self-defense as indicated in the US Constitution. The lobby organization that supports the right to gun ownership for all mature citizens is the National Rifle Association (NRA). This organization enhances the interests of the gun manufacturers, gun...

Perception and Facial Recognition

Perception and Facial Recognition Student’s name Institution Perception and Facial Recognition The argument that the properties of the environment have shaped our perceptional system means that the manner in which one receives and coordinate information from the environment to make sense of his/her surrounding is influenced by the properties of the environment they have interacted with (Gibson, 2013). For example, people living in areas that are prone to flooding will most likely perceive rain as a signal of the start of danger while the same rain will be perceived as a blessing by people in the dry area. Likewise, thunder may be associated with rain only on a cloudy day. Strengths and...


Psychotherapy Name Institution Psychotherapy Question 1: Modalities Several treatment modalities exist, but Group Therapy is more effective with women of any culture than men. The reason for this is that women can adapt more easily to changing environmental conditions than men. Group therapy involves putting people of different cultures together to decrease their sense of isolation, offer psychological support, and enhance their social skills (Schwarzbaum & Thomas, 2008). The process is less costly and limits most of the factors that may impede individuals from responding to therapeutic measures. Unlike women, men of different cultures find it hard to intermingle and get used to each...

personality revised

Personality Theories and Concepts Name Institution Abstract This paper highlights four key theories on personality and its development. These include biological, behavioral psychodynamic and humanistic models. After describing each of the concepts, particular emphasis is placed on biological models as a particularly useful angle at which personality development can most closely be understood. The usefulness of the model is explained, offering a view on how the current knowledge of the philosophies compares with one’s previous opinions on personality development. The comparison is followed by highlighting how best the biological schemes can be applied in the work environment. The challenges...