Propagandist Essay

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Propagandist Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Teen Stress
Studies have shown that most students especially those who attend private schools are chronically stressed. This is as a result of the pressure they get from all the school work as well as the co-curricular activities that they have to participate in as a mandatory requirement for graduation or advancement to the next grade or class. My goal in this paper is to show that school is the best way for teens to relieve stress (Ossola, 1).
One of the known stress relievers is reading. It is a form of mental relaxation as the reader can focus and concentrate the mind on one thing. Stress is as a result of having to think of several tasks that one has to perform. It is quite surprising that the same people who recommend reading as a stress reliever claim that it is the reason why students in the school are stressed. The most striking thing is that therapy is even suggested. Why would anyone have to go to therapy just because they attend school?
The stress levels are also assumed to be higher for children who attend private schools as opposed to those who go to public schools (Ossola, 1). This suggests that those from private schools read more. However, since reading is a stress reliever, it only means that this assumption that private schools have higher stress levels is to be attributed to other factors and not the reading.
These stress levels are also said to depend on the grade the students are in, …

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