Personality Tests

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Personality Tests

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Date:Personality Tests
Personality tests contribute to the process of employee assessment and hiring to determine suitability for hiring, promotion and additional responsibilities (Mujtaba 62). The hiring process includes resume evaluation whose purpose is to determine the suitability of an individual, including their personality to the vacant position. The automation of collecting and evaluating resumes is both beneficial and harmful to an organisation. The benefit of automated resume evaluation includes saving time since the machine can analyse more resumes than a human evaluator in a short time (Mujtaba 62). However, the automation of the process subjects the applicants and the organisation to machine intelligence in the process exclude human intuition that can contribute to an effective hire to benefit the business.
While automated resume evaluation is both beneficial and harmful to the organisation, to the job seeker, the implications are also both beneficial and harmful. The benefit to the employee includes the focus of the evaluation on the competency of the individual which negates the instances of prejudice in job application (Mujtaba 62). However, the drawback includes the absence of human intelligence that would be beneficial to an individual who the computers deem unworthy of the position (Mujtaba 62). Therefore, I would be content to take a personality test as part of an application process, provided that the organisation constitute…

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