Personal vs Workplace Software Acquisition and Use

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Personal vs Workplace Software Acquisition and Use

Category: Essay

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Personal vs. Workplace Software Acquisition and Use
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Personal vs. Workplace Software Acquisition and Use
In the current era of technological advancements, several software has been adopted and used by organizations. In my organization which is an accounting firm, different categories of accounting software are used. These include spreadsheets, custom accounting software, commercial software as well as enterprise resource planning software (ERP). In these categories, the different software includes which include AccountMate, Red Wing, Traverse, NetSuite, Kashoo,, Xero, Quickbooks, Wave, Sage, LessAccounting among others (Darroch, 2014). All these software are important in their own way. This is because they are used to manipulate accounting data and make it interpretable and therefore useful for understanding organizational performance, predicting the future of the organization and therefore aligning business operations.
LessAccounting is a software that is used in productivity. Since accounting has been proved to be cumbersome, the software helps handle common accounting practices such as tracking, invoicing, as well as client proposal. Kashoo is another useful software that is used for note-taking. The software records businesses data and helps manage them through the used of visual dashboards (Darroch, 2014). Oracle is a Microsoft software that is used in resource planning and therefore reduction of pr…

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