Pepsi-advertisement analysis

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Pepsi-advertisement analysis

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Pepsi Advertisement Analysis
The advertisement appears on a red background, with a man running towards an unseen destination. However a print “RUNNING TO THE FRIDGE LIKE” shows that a man with a helmet is running towards a fridge. At the corner is Pepsi’s trademark logo. The writing is lighter than the background. The brand in the advert is not evident because it does not display a Pepsi product. This advertisement on Twitter says ‘Life is short’ and speaks of grabbing a Pepsi.
The color red implies heat or fire, passion, action, and desire. The advertisement suggests that a consumer should drink a Pepsi whenever they have a chance to have one. When it indicates commercial breaks are short, it encourages the customer to get a Pepsi quickly. The racing action and red symbolizes heat and sweating with a cold Pepsi being a solution according to the advertisement.
The advertisers have intentionally used the color red to evoke emotions from the viewers. The words “RUNNING TO THE FRIDGE LIKE” are in a big font and written in the center of the man running. A viewer cannot ignore these words. The advertisers indicate that even during a commercial break, a consumer should be quick to get a Pepsi as the duration of an advertising break is short.
The advertisers assume that their viewers prefer their soft drink cold. This assumption is evident with the words “RUNNING TO THE FRIDGE LIKE.” Another hypothesis is that their viewers are far fr…

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