Paradigm and treatment methods

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Paradigm and treatment methods

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Paradigm and Treatment Methods
The biopsychosocial paradigm is the most suitable model that examines the nature of Brandon’s mental illness. This paradigm enables a clinician to incorporate various aspects in trying to understand the behavior of the patient. Precisely, Brandon’s condition can be understood by examining biological, socio-cultural, and psychological factors (MacDonald & Mikes-Liu 271). Biological factors, in particular, genetics contributed to Brandon’s behavior. Notably, he is shy and unfriendly just like his father; this means he inherited such genes from his dad. Socio-cultural factors that may have contributed to his behavior include lack of social interactions, living with one parent (mother), seeing his father once a week, and separation of the parents. Psychological factors that might have had an influence on Brandon’s condition includes narrow interests and repetitive behaviors. Barnhill argues that Brandon has much interest in toy cars and trains more than anything else (p. 7). Again, he has a tendency of repeating words as he speaks. These behaviors can cause distress.
The best treatment method for Brandon’s condition is integrating family therapy with other forms of therapies, for instance, pharmacotherapy. These therapies will improve his speech, as well as, behavior. Brandon’s behavior is caused by dysregulation of key neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. Thus, psychoactive medications…

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