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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Social Work and Human Services
HUS professionals are mandated to recognize and demonstrate awareness on the challenging issues affecting their clients in regards to their financial problems, human rights issues, and legal/administrative hurdles, among other concerns related to the field. Clients rarely deal with a single problem as most of their issues range from food, housing needs, family issues, drug abuse, among other issues. Human service professionals are highly trained to recognize the social injustice and oppression faced by most clients as they develop solutions to the existing problems. Poverty is considered as the common denominator affecting most families. Mostly, these clients lack resources, hence demoting their social and economic equality. In the United States, most individuals look down upon the clients. However, HUS professionals stand up for their fair treatment, guaranteeing equality for all individuals.
Clients also encounter anxiety, shame, and anger in problematic situations whereby they differ from the rest depending on their custom, behavior, and traditions. These situations cause situational problems that easily cause physiological and psychological complications. Professional helpers recognize and identify the client’s problem and establish needs that are required to meet these issues.
Environmental surroundings also cause ranges of problems that are too vast and unique to clients. Some children experience li…

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